Ingress, Pokémon and Published!
You may have noticed our absence as of late. Rest assured we are alive and well — traveling, tasting and tweeting. We are spending less time indoors, and more time out. And the result? Weight loss and a better outlook on life. In addition, I can add “author” in a mainstream publication, to my list!…
Nine Years of Wine, Travel and Friends
There is a common myth that it takes 21 days to establish a new habit. Scientific observation and research indicate it takes quite a bit longer — an average of 66 days. But how long does it take to break a habit? For some of us, it could take as long as 10 years. In…
Another Wine Blog Wine Reviews featured on Snooth!
La Petite Mort: To Die the Little Death
Bedfellows, Bloggers and Bollocks…
EthniFacts creates “Diversity in Wine Writing Scholarship” for WBC15
From the Outside, Looking In
Vineyard Writing Retreats offered for Winter/Spring 2015
A Writer’s Response to Intimidation
Dishing with Jameson Fink at Grape Collective