Tag: Priorat

  • Soils make a Difference: The Zoning Project of DO Montsant

    Soils make a Difference: The Zoning Project of DO Montsant

    Why do we need to know about the soil? I asked, when I was first learning about wine. Because the composition of the soil can determine which grape grows best in the vineyard. The type of soil also helps decide the irrigation method needed in the vineyard. For example limestone, or calcareous soils are somewhat…

  • DO Montsant on the Precipice: Vinyes Domènech

    As I stand on the path that leads from the tasting room through the vineyard to the edge of a precipice at Vinyes Domènech the Latin phrase in situ comes to mind. Literally, the phrase translates to “on-site.” To the archeologist, an artifact in situ is one that he or she unearths and records at…